the quality's there 4 the
soft-boiled eggs.....
the toast was realy heart-and mind-melting......
free wi-fi and the history of the mamak in a modern Steven's......
one for the love jian n yi jun......
Steven's Tea Garden........hehe....the 1st time wel before I headed to Cambodia mom n my sis came down help me wif the cleaning job....for my new room.......hahha......her one-day cleaning can easily outbeat my two-months realy in return.....I brought them to Steven's Tea Garden......haha.....(juz becuz I wana try n c whether it's as nice as the Steven's Corner in Cheras).......the cheese naan was so great when I first tried.....highly recommended by Dennis.....but dissapointedly, no naan is served in this upgraded version mamak in Sunway Pyramid......kinda weird....cuz it's unhealthy to not have ur signature dish....
Had a great time wif my mum, 2 sisters, li jian n yi jun......1stime hanging out together actualy....wonderful combination.....long chat.....the pleasure exchanging was jz fine n the food......8 out of 10
the maharaja teh tarik......filled wif spices......the nasi lemak tasty as the one i had in cheras......the fried kuay teow wif deep fried favourite......the indian salad wif yoghurt.......too small.....not enof..........the soft-boiled eggs n kaya butter me a morning feeling altot had them at nite..........
when nice people hang out 2gether....diferen ages....diferen a new place......still make a good combination........things differ all the just depends on how you see things...........i wana see things from different angles in everything hopefully
try their naan special, cheese + raisin if not mistaken =) is the best naan in town... but still prefer murni's, loh su fun / roti hawaiian........
dont blame me or hate me, u started all the post first...
Wow... lots of nice food u had there... but wei... this post is so outdated lar...
Let's go to Cheras again when you come back... hahaha... mix rice, mini egg tarts, steven's corner and the pending Look Out Point...
soon heng.....i'll try 1st before i believe you........'s a must for the eggtarts....anyway, I'm the only one keep eating the eggtarts.....the look out point....i read a's gasoline restaurant rite...
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